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Digital Art

Here are just a few samples of my digital artwork.  These range from SVGs and PNGs for sale in my Etsy shop Art Graphics Studio to projects designed specifically for use in Cricut Design Space.  

Sample Digital Designs

See my  many other files at my Etsy shop - Art Graphics Studio

Sample Etsy Shop Designs

Search for Art Graphics Studio in Etsy

Sample Cricut Shared Designs

If you are a Cricut Design Space user, you can access my Shared Projects.   Here are just a few samples.  You can find them in Cricut Design Space (Art Graphics Studio) by going to the Cricut Design Space home screen, type Art Graphics Studio in the search bar.  Scroll down to Community Members and select Art Graphics Studio and all my shared files will be shown.  Just a note though, while my shared files are completely free from me, if you are not a Cricut Design Space Access user, Cricut may want to charge you for any of their components (if any) that I may have used in my original design. 

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