Hi Everyone! Welcome to my website if you are new or welcome back if this isn't your first visit. Whew! Christmas is finally over and while it was great fun, if you are like me, I could use a break. That being said, Valentines Day is quickly approaching following quickly by Easter. I send each of my grandchildren handmade cards for all major US holidays. There may be other holidays to celebrate if you don't live in the US.
This month's Freebie is my Valentine cut-out Card. It's a super easy to make project. for a special look, use the debossing or foil tools in Cricut Design Space.
I have lots of designs to choose from on my Etsy page (Art Graphics Studio) and if you are a Cricut Access member, you can download my Shared Files in Cricut Design Space for FREE*. Just search for Art Graphics Studio and then scroll down until you find "Community Members". Click on that and my shared files will come up.
*If you are not an Access member, you may still be able to use my files but Cricut may want to charge you for any elements I used when making the design. While not all of my shared files are editable, you can always just look to get inspiration.
Stay Crafty.
So I wanted an emoji that would reflect my persona but apparently they don't take age into consideration when creating them, so I added as many wrinkles as they would let me. This is what I got. Forgive me.